Sakamoto Days Wiki

Lu Shaotang (ルー 少糖シャオタン Rū Shaotan, Lu Xiaotang by Viz) is a major supporting character in the Sakamoto Days series. She is the daughter of a Triad Family. She currently works alongside Shin as a store clerk at Sakamoto's and can be considered a part of the Sakamoto Family.


Lu Shaotang is a young woman with fair skin, black eyes, and long red hair. She has an athletic build and typically wears a green apron over a black shirt with white shoes while working at Sakamoto's Store. Usually, she ties her hair up, but when under the influence of pure alcohol, she lets it down, taking on a furious and intimidating appearance.


Lu Shaotang shows to be quite cheerful, often maintaining a happy and relaxed expression. When she first came to Sakamoto’s store as an employee, she was a little too “relaxed”, showing when she was late for two hours and wearing casual clothes under her apron. Despite showing some carelessness, she really holds her keepsakes from her parents deep, showing her love for her family. Also, Lu considers Sakamoto’s store as her family, thus she holds them dear, as shown when she expressed furiousness (though under the influence of pure alcohol) upon smashing Saw when he was about to attack Shin. In addition, Lu is quite dominant and ruthless in the Triad Drunk mode, when she violently attacked Saw without mercy, then planning to cut his fingers off to pay for his victim’s souls.


Lu’s past is largely unknown, but she is the daughter of a Triad Family.


Shin Asakura[]

Shin is a coworker of Lu. Both of them are quite close, often bickering on miscellaneous things. Despite that, they have formed a genuine camaraderie. They both work under Taro Sakamoto in his shop as an employee.

Taro Sakamoto[]

Taro Sakamoto is a legendary ex-hitman who is currently the owner of a grocery store called Sakamoto's. He is currently Lu's boss and employer as she works as a store clerk at his store. She showed great astonishment for Sakamoto’s tremendous power.

Aoi Sakamoto[]

The wife of her boss.

Hana Sakamoto[]

Lu frequently interacts with Sakamoto's daughter, acting as a big sister of sorts within the family.

Lu Wutang[]

Lu admires Wutang for his intelligence but finds him creepy due to his stalking her.

Skills & Abilities[]

Overall Skill Level: Lu is a proficient martial artist and possesses surprisingly great strength and speed.

High Alcohol Tolerance: Lu is capable of drinking pure ethanol without ill effects, nor does excessive drinking appear to impair her ability to fight in any way. This ability extends to the rest of her family, as she recalls her grandfather drinking alcohol lamp fuel (such fuels tend to be methanol or denatured alcohol, both of which are lethal to drink).

Drunken Fist Style: While drinking or drunk, Lu becomes significantly more dangerous, though it depends on the amount and the kind of alcohol she consumes. After draining a bottle of 200-proof ethanol she became capable of throwing Saw around like a ragdoll and moving faster than his eyes could track, and easily caught or deflected any projectiles he threw at her (including his signature rope and axe, which she destroyed). Shin dubbed this mode "Triad Drunk," as opposed to the "Crying Drunk," "Angry Drunk," and "Happy Drunk" modes they'd discovered earlier.


  • Shaotang/Xiaotang: Lu was introduced with the wrong kanji which made her name Romanize as Xiaotang. In the first volume the mistake was noted and corrected, revealing her name should have been Shaotang. However, in the English release, Viz decided to keep using Xiaotang and have not corrected her name.



Sakamoto's Store