Kei Uzuki (
Uzuki is a seemingly slim man of average height. He has medium-length white hair (blond in the digital colored manga) with a long fringe that often covers part of his emotionless blue, cat-like eyes, also covering even his nose when leaning forward. His hair also covers his ears and is styled in a messy, middle-part haircut. He usually wears a light grey turtleneck (light orange in the digital-colored manga) under a greyish-yellow coat (beige in the digital-colored manga) that reaches below his knees, alongside black pants (grey in the anime and beige in the digital-colored manga) and formal black shoes.
When he was younger, during his time at the JCC, Uzuki wore the same turtleneck along with the same black pants and shoes but without the coat.
After regaining control of his body, Shinaya described Uzuki as a good-looking man with white hair and a white suit.
Kei Uzuki was initially portrayed as a calm and cold man, being able to kill a quarter of the assassins in cold blood without a hint of words. He is also a sadist, considering he almost lack any remorse for his killings and provoked Sakamoto by mentioning his 6-years old daughter when the latter refused to fight with the intention of taking the former's life, hinting that he may harm Sakamoto's family if he were to be left alive.
However, during his groups attack on the JAA, Uzuki showed a friendlier, more caring side which was seen through his conversation with Gaku and the remorse he felt at Uda's self-sacrifice for the others to escape Takamura. As he demonstrated multiple times, Uzuki's cold and deadly personality changes radically whenever he is alone with his friends or those he cares about, showing a softer and friendlier side of him which also seems more vulnerable.
In the past, Uzuki was shown as a reserved, timid, and shy person who firmly believed that killing is wrong and did not kill assassins unless required by the mission or the specific target. His older brother Sei Asaki took advantage of it by threatening to kill Gaku and Uzuki's other friends in the orphanage where he was born if he failed to uphold his end of a deal. Asaki's threats might also have been the reason why Uzuki's main goal, after completing the mission to escort both the daughter and wife of the JAA chairman to safety, was to return to the orphanage where he was raised and save all his friends. His accidental murder of Rion Akao led to him abandoning his morals and become the villain that he is today.
Uzuki suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder, a condition which developed as a way for Uzuki to deal with the trauma. This condition allows Uzuki to create multiple personas, changing his own characteristics to match those of a specific individual; these personas remain even after the person they're based on dies and are so accurate that even other people who were close to the person whom Uzuki is emulating have trouble telling the difference, an example of this would be Sakamoto and Nagumo who admitted that Uzuki's Rion persona resembled their old friend so closely that it's hard to distinguish between the real Rion and Rion-Uzuki.
Uzuki can also mimic, if not outright replicate, the individual's mannerisms and capabilities as well. An example of this can be seen with his Takamura personality who not only mutters unintelligibly just as the real Takamura did but is also a master swordsman, being able to match and eventually cut down the real Takamura despite Uzuki having not shown any proficiency with wielding a katana up to that point in the series.
Gaku and Uzuki first met at the Al-Kamar orphanage, where they were both raised as potential new members of the Order. Uzuki has demonstrated multiple times that he cares about Gaku and trusts him deeply, whom he considered as his own brother, as evidenced when Asaki took an 13-years old Gaku hostage and threatened to kill him if Uzuki failed to complete his mission to kill Kindaka.[2][3] After Uzuki indiscriminately murdered 34 people at the orphanage and saved Gaku, along with all the other teenagers, he then formed a group with them. Both Gaku and Uzuki seem to get along well together, mainly talking whenever there's a need to discuss the mission or anything related to the JAA. Gaku appears to be Uzuki's right-hand man in the whole group and also the one Uzuki trusts the most.
Sei Asaki[]
Asaki is Uzuki's older brother. As shown during the Taro Sakamoto's Past Arc, Uzuki used to fear his older brother. Asaki mostly used him for killing, exploiting Uzuki's reserved and timid personality and often threatening to harm his friends if he refused to cooperate. Later on, after Uzuki became Slur, he attempted to kill Asaki, who was the JAA chairman, showing that he no longer feared or felt timid around him. He ordered Nagumo to kill whoever had taken over Uzuki's body during the Assassin Exhibition of the Century Arc and showed concern about Uzuki, asking why he had disappeared, although it is unknown whether this is genuine or an attempt to guilt-trip Uzuki.
Rion Akao[]
Uzuki first encountered Rion during their time as students at the JCC, just before they were about to depart for Kindaka to fulfill their mission. Rion consistently displayed friendly behavior towards Uzuki, who coldly rejected it. The two later reconciled and warmed up to each other during the mission. Following the deaths of both Higuchi and Kobayashi, Kindaka sacrificed himself to save Uzuki by providing him with the antidote, a moment that Rion noticed. Uzuki's response was to flee with Rion in pursuit.
It is later revealed that Rion helped Uzuki escape, after he disclosed to her the reason why he committed the act.[3] Both of them then went off the grid together for more than a year. They became very close during this period of time, to the point of addressing each other using their respective given names.[4] Unfortunately, Uzuki was tricked into killing her by Asaki who tracked them down.[5]
Years later, due to trauma caused by the murder, Uzuki's mind created a secondary personality resembling Rion's to protect himself.
Taro Sakamoto[]
Sakamoto and Uzuki first met at the JCC when they, along with Nagumo and Rion, risked expulsion. Although Sakamoto and Uzuki didn't interact much, Sakamoto had always been somewhat wary of Uzuki even as students. Upon learning of Rion's death, Sakamoto fought against Uzuki, defeating him to avenge the death of her friend. Years later, Sakamoto discovered that Uzuki had survived their previous encounter. They crossed paths a few times, with Sakamoto unsuccessfully attempting to kill Uzuki again. Whenever Rion's personality takes control, Sakamoto immediately becomes more friendly and approachable, reminiscent of their interactions as students at the JCC. However, Sakamoto still appears somewhat confused about the sudden change in Uzuki's demeanor.
Skills & Abilities[]
Overall Skill Level: Uzuki is the leader of his eponymous group, X's Organization, and an extremely powerful assassin. He has demonstrated multiple times his immense abilities as an assassin and is insanely skillful.
Master Combatant: Uzuki is an incredibly skilled fighter, capable of massacring a quarter of the assassin industry, a feat so great that the Order had to step in.
Enhanced Speed and Reflexes: Uzuki is able to move extremely fast, appearing behind his opponents without them noticing. He is so fast that he is able to stab an out of shape Sakamoto in the stomach and even catch him off-guard with a swing of his whip, which Sakamoto didn't even notice until after the fight. He has also managed to slash both Shin and Asakura's abdomens before they even noticed or felt it.
Enhanced Durability: Despite his skinny body, Uzuki is an extremely durable individual, as he was able to keep up with Sakamoto's blinding speed during their brief fight. He has also managed to survive being slashed by Takamura and catch off his katana.
Enhanced Endurance: Uzuki managed to somehow survive numerous stabbings in the chest by Sakamoto.
Medical Conditions[]
Uzuki suffers from several medical conditions that have allowed him to survive otherwise fatal attacks and have access to combat abilities he normally does not have.
Dissociative Identity Disorder[]
Uzuki suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder, which allows him to manifest alternate personas and use any combat abilities that he has witnessed. He has manifested at least two personas throughout the story. The process of persona creation is unclear, though it appears that Uzuki requires being under extreme stress in order to adopt and/or create a persona. It is likely Uzuki also needs to be interacting with a person, during the stressful situation, in order to create the persona, as all revealed personas so far have been copies of known characters that Uzuki has interacted with in stressful situations.
Uzuki's personas adopt many facets of the person and the persona is based on. Uzuki's Rion personality is carefree and aloof like she is, even remembering some facts which implicitly only Rion should know. Uzuki's Takamura personality has his habit of unintelligible muttering. Uzuki's facial features significantly change as well, though his overall expression remains the same, so it is unclear if there are actual changes or this is merely a stylistic choice.
- Rion-Uzuki:
- Rion Akao was a member of the JCC and Uzuki's senior. They disappeared during an incident in the past and lived together for more than a year. Rion's persona has stated that she was manifested to protect Uzuki.
- Takamura-Uzuki:
- Takamura was known for his precise yet destructive ability to use a katana. Uzuki manifested this personality when he fought against Takamura in order to preserve himself. While in this persona, Uzuki managed to steal Takamura's katana and cut him in half, killing him.
Situs Inversus[]
Uzuki suffers from Situs Inversus, which is a medical condition in which a person's major internal organs are reversed or mirrored from their normal positions. This is a rare condition that is not widely known, which is how Uzuki survived attacks that would normally be fatal from Sakamoto[5] and Nagumo[6], as they targeted non-vital areas (for Uzuki) that are normally vital.
Sword-Whip: Uzuki uses a sword-whip, made of a metallic blade divided in multiple sections of a segmented blade which Uzuki uses with long-range attacks and still be able to counter at close range. By using his sword-whip, he managed to temporary block Takamura's arm, forcing him to cut it off and attach it back since he was unable to free from the weapon's grasp.
Katana: Uzuki has used Takamura's katana, stolen from Takamura during combat after manifesting a new Takamura persona. The katana is extremely sharp and durable, capable of slicing through thick steel and concrete with no visible damage to the katana.
- His given name, Kei (憬) means "to long for", "yearn for" or "admire" meanwhile the kanji of his family name, Uzuki (有月), mean "to possess" and "moon, month", respectively.
- While on the run with Rion from the JAA who suspect the two of killing Kindaka, they decided to refuel a car they use to evade arrest. A katana is seen in the boot of the car, alluding to Uzuki possibly being proficient with a katana, further reflected when he manifests his Takamura personality and steals Takamura's katana to kill Takamura with.[7]
- "When we view a scene with both eyes, our brains automatically reconcile the different perspectives. It's important to step back from our work to check for symmetry." - Slur