Sakamoto Days Wiki

Club Jam (クラブ・ジャム Kurabu Jamu?) is a subordinate under Slur and Carolina Reaper´s younger brother. He is one of the main antagonists of the JCC Infiltration Arc.


Club Jam is a tall and muscular man with lilac pupilless eyes, slicked black hair dyed as pink and long dreadlocks. Tattoos with the words "Sweet" and "tooth" in the place of his eyebrows and black earrings. He wears a wrinkled white t-shirt with a black collar under a green coat with dark blue stripes and a pair of black shoes and pants alongside numerous scars on his forearms and burgundy ropes tied across his torso. However, he sometimes omits the shirt.


Club Jam is extremely masochistic, suggesting that Kanaguri brutally tortured him, holding his breath to unconsciousness and hypnotizing people just to step on and whip him. Club Jam is utterly fearless and playful in combat, commenting about how fun it was to fight Natsuki Seba even when he was hanging by one hand over an incinerator and at the mercy of the latter.[2]

He has a close relationship with Carolina Reaper despite the latter's crude and hostile attitude, Club Jam is exceptionally obedient to his commands. He refers to him as a brother, though whether this relationship is genetic or not is unknown.

Outside of his masochistic tendencies, Club Jam is playful. He has some foresight and intelligence, as he ensured on his own that Amane would not betray the group by using hypnosis, and instantly figuring out the database wasn't on an SD card that Natsuki tried to trick him with. Similarly, he is ruthless, threatening to kill Natsuki and breaking two of his fingers if he found out this JCC student was tricking him.[3]

Skills & Abilities[]

Overall Skill Level: As a subordinate of Slur and part of the group working to attack the JCC, Club Jam is a powerful fighter. His hypnosis allows him to cause mayhem and enslave targets to his command.

Enhanced Speed: Club Jam was able to snatch an SD card from Natsuki and break two of his fingers without the latter noticing.[4] He was also able to blitz Natsuki on another occasion, leaving him at the masochist's mercy.[5]

Hypnosis: Club Jam is a master of hypnosis. By reciting the names of pastries and confectionaries in reverse, Club Jam was able to hypnotize a large portion of the JCC's students to find and destroy the database. To undo the hypnosis, Club Jam claps his hands. Club Jam has also hypnotized individual targets with just a clap. His hypnosis is part of his brainwashing techniques and are powerful enough to stop someone from feeling pain.[6] Club Jam seems to be able to hypnotize himself, though this appears to cause physical strain. Club Jam's hypnosis can cause visual hallucinations.[7]

Hypnotized targets do not have control of their bodies and automatically follow Club Jam's instructions, but are conscious of their actions. Hypnosis does not work on sufficiently strong individuals such as Taro Sakamoto. A strong impact, such as a slap, can break the hypnosis. Furthermore, Club Jam can be caught off-guard if his potential victim pretends to be hypnotized, something Natsuki exploited to help him escape Club Jam and counterattack with his allies.


Blade and Chain: Club Jam uses a small, crescent-shaped blade on a chain, which is connected to a ring Club Jam wears on his middle finger. Despite its small size, it is strong enough to hold Club Jam's weight, who can also use it for mobility.[5]

Club Jam's Chains

Club Jam with his blade and chain.



  1. Character Profile
  2. Sakamoto Days Manga: Chapter 93 (Page 11)
  3. Sakamoto Days Manga: Chapter 93 (Page 2-3)
  4. Sakamoto Days Manga: Chapter 93 (Page 3)
  5. 5.0 5.1 Sakamoto Days Manga: Chapter 19 (Page 13-14)
  6. Sakamoto Days Manga: Chapter 93 (Page 16-17)
  7. Sakamoto Days Manga: Chapter 94 (Page 19)

